How to Manage and Reduce Infant Colic?


There are many challenges parents have to face when they have a baby. Crying could always be the most problematic child behaviour you might face. Unlike other diseases, colic in a newborn produces no health issues. The baby is healthy and robust, but the only reason that they are crying frequently is colic.

Colic infants can be a source of profound exasperation for some individuals. When your baby screams for no apparent cause, parents can feel many different feelings. Management and prevention of infant colic may sometimes appear like rocks, but ease can be attained; this is why we have compiled some ways to manage your baby's colic, help them with their crying, and make them more of a happy baby. So, let's dive into the article and look at it.

What is Colic?

Before learning how to manage and reduce colic in infants, you must know what colic is. Colic is the name of periodical crying despite the baby being not ill, hungry, or in trouble. Colic is not only for fragile and breastfed babies, but it also includes strong ones with parents who are giving bottles. This is a widespread problem you can see in many babies.


How can you tell if a baby has colic or just the normal crying? If your baby cries more than 3 hours a day or more than 3 or 4 days per week, then it is likely that the baby has colic. The colic spells might happen at the same time of the day, mainly in the early evenings. When babies have a colic spell, they cry or scream high-pitched, which can become challenging. They can also have red or pale skin around the mouth while crying and even stiff arms and legs. They can also arch their back while clenching their fits.

These are only some of the most evident signs of colic that you can observe in your baby. Colic generally starts by week two and is most common around 4-6 months period. However, you must know that this problem can fade away as the baby grows.

Causes of Colic?

As a parent, you must know what causes colic. Although no proper evidence shows the significant causes of colic, we have mentioned some of the factors that might cause it below.

· Discomfort due to gas or indigestion.

· The digestive system needs to be adequately developed.

· You are overfeeding or underfeeding your baby.

· Sensitivity to formula milk or break milk.

· Overstimulation, such as fear, excitement, or frustration.

· An early form of migraine.

A doctor visit may be the best way to find out whether your baby is suffering from colic. They will check the history of your baby for a proper physical exam and will let you know if you have a colic baby or if there is any underlying cause of why they are crying so much.

How to Manage Colic Infants?

If your baby has colic, do not worry. There are a few steps you can take to control it and calm it down. Below, we have mentioned some everyday things you can do for a colic baby.

Look at their Diet

One of the things you must do is keep track of your diet. Ensure you see what they are consuming, as sometimes the food can trigger them. If you are breastfeeding your baby, then make sure you check your diet. The things you eat and drink can be passed down to your baby. Caffeine and chocolates can be very potent stimulants, so make sure you avoid them at all costs. Sometimes, babies can be allergic to dairy products and nuts, so keep an eye on that.


If your baby is on formula milk and you want to try a different brand, you can try it. Babies are often sensitive to the formulas' ingredients, so changing them can lessen the frequency of dry spells. Another great option is to feed your baby smaller bite-size portions of the meals that you are having. This way, the baby will not have too much to digest at once. Another point to consider is to take your baby's time when they get their meals.

Holding the Baby

Sometimes, babies with colic can respond well to being held in arms. You can keep them or put them across your lap and massage their back slightly. You can hold them upright if you think they have gas. Rocking or swinging your baby in a crib can also help soothe them and make them feel loved.

Comforting the Baby

One more action that you can take for your baby in the case of colic is to comfort it. You can do so many things to make your baby feel loved and comforted. Try skin-to-skin contact, as it makes them feel closer to you. You can swaddle or carry the baby in your arms. You can even sing to them in a low voice to make them feel more comfortable.

If your baby likes going out, taking them for a walk can also help them calm their minds. You can also give them a warm bath; this can help release any tension in the muscles and make your baby feel relaxed.

The pacifier also offers the baby so much. It is what helps them to be comfortable and not anxious. A pacifier is an alternative if nothing works for you.

Complications of Colic

There are no such complications of colic for the baby because it gets resolved as time goes by. However, the parents are the ones that are mostly affected by it. Parents feel overwhelmed, guilty, and frustrated as they can't help their babies; this can also cause postpartum depression for mothers; this is why it is best to seek some medical attention if you have a baby with colic to ensure you are in a suitable mental space.

Final Words

Colitis is a common issue in many babies. It is not a disease; instead, babies with colic are healthy. The only problem is their crying spells, which can be very hard to control and last a long time. Hence, we hope this article benefits you and teaches you how to manage a bay with colic.