Top 10 Tips for Shopping Vintage


As fashion evolves and changes with each passing day, vintage is a mainstay. Vintage is an umbrella term due to the gazillion clothing articles and styles that can come underneath it. With this, it is only natural that people across the globe are biased towards vintage. Now, the tricky part is how one goes about shopping vintage. Loads of online magazine articles and abstracts will tell you millions of different things. However, we will boil it down to our top 10 tips for shopping vintage that will be your guide. To shop vintage, you need first to understand what vintage clothing is. This will help you narrow your search and pick the right pieces. Today's article will take you over ten tips for shopping vintage. From what clothing pieces you should pick out to how you can ensure you are getting the bang for your buck. Let us stop meandering and get right to it!

Top 10 Tips for Shopping Vintage

Know where to shop.

Now, this is super important. Making it number one on our top 10 tips for shopping vintage is knowing where to shop. This would require you to do a bit of research in your city. It would help if you opted for brands or thrift stores that sell durable materials rather than something barely holding them together. Some of the most famous stores include Alden and Allen Edmonds. You might be surprised by the jaw-dropping finds you might find while thrifting. One of our favourite tips for shopping vintage is to explore the local thrift stores in your town.

Quality over everything

Remember that if you compromise between style and quality, style must always take a backseat. Look for natural clothing rather than mixed fabrics such as nylon or polyester. One of the familiar sad stories regarding vintage shopping is that you will come across a beautiful pattern or design, but the fabric material could be better. Do not pick these items, as you would want something that lasts your rough wear and is worth your money. An important tip when shopping vintage is to know where to spend your money!

Scan in and out.

When you see an article that matches your vibe and the top-notch material, you must start inspecting it. A great tip for shopping vintage is to look for holes, tears, or stains that look tough to remove on the clothing. This even goes for shoes that look great initially. One of the golden tips for shopping vintage is to smell the garment. That will tell you a lot about whether you want to put it on.

Always try it on

When you are searching for the right additions to your wardrobe, always make sure that you try it on. This is a must, and there should be no two ways to do it. You are not getting it if you can't wear something for an XYZ reason. This is also one of our integral tips for shopping vintage. Try it on to ensure the fit matches and looks good on you!

Wearable and relevant

Now, this is also a crucial tip when shopping for vintage items. Even if you are going for that old-school vibe, ensure it is wearable and relevant. It would help if you did not look like you were coming from a fancy dress competition or a stage drama. Whatever you wear, even if vintage, remember that you are of today. You should always seek fashionable clothing that makes you seem modern with a vintage touch!

Straps and soles

Another pivotal tip for shopping vintage is to do a quality check on your shoes. You should thoroughly check to see if all the buckles are still in position and if the heel is sturdy. Always tie up the boots entirely and try walking in them. It is also advised that you try on both pieces of the pair before making up your mind.

Top 10 Tips for Shopping Vintage

Know who you are buying from.

Whichever shop you reach out to, initiate a conversation with the owner. Please get to know them; they will likely guide you to where the best items are placed in the store. When does the new stock pour in, and what should you try and avoid? The owners of these stores are usually more than willing to help!

Beware of sizing

Sizing in the vintage eras was a scam. There were unrealistic beauty standards; hence, women and men were much smaller than you think. Therefore, a great tip for shopping vintage is to try everything and rely on something other than what you see on the tag!

Accessories too

Make sure to complete accessories when shopping for vintage items. You would be surprised by the gems you could find in these vintage stores. So do not disregard these, and make sure to try on a cute pendant the next time you see one!

Do they speak of you?

This is our most coveted tip for shopping vintage. Make sure whatever you get speaks of you. You like what you have on, which complements your personality in unison!


So, the bottom line is that when shopping vintage, know what to get from where and how to check your materials well. Picking the right stuff and ensuring that it ticks all of your boxes is a talent you would harness with time. We hope our top 10 tips for shopping vintage have been worth your while. Good luck shopping: we know you will pick out the best stuff and look great in them!